Cross-origin JSON request with jQuery and proxy.php Server-side code is not bound by the same origin policy and can perform cross-origin requests without a problem. You could therefore make some kind of proxy and use that to retrieve whatever data you need. Posted: 22.01.2017 Labels: cross-origin, jquery, php Category: Code, Demos
Style Royalslider Slides individually Create a HTML-Block and add a little hack. Posted: 27.11.2015 Labels: jquery, Royalslider Category: Code, Demos
flickr Feed jQuery with a JSON Flickr feed to display photos. Posted: 11.02.2015 Labels: feed, fiddleDemo, flickr, jquery, json Category: Code, Demos
Weather Alert Get current weather info from a free API using jQuery and AJAX Posted: 11.06.2014 Labels: fiddleDemo, jquery, weather, xml Category: Code, Demos
Time as CSS style See also Add Class to body Show/hide Image via Current Time Elegant solution from Lea Verou Posted: 26.02.2014 Labels: css, fiddleDemo, jquery Category: Code, Demos
Related Box Wenn man vertikal scrollt taucht plötzlich ein Böxchen auf. Posted: 04.11.2013 Labels: jquery Category: Code, Demos | Usability