Screenshot on Web via Javascript and saving back to Server
With this interesting technique I would only like to highlight the dangers of the same, as it can be wrongly used to target the client side confidential information, so please beware
The pieces in the MOBA collection range from the work of talented artists that have gone awry to works of exuberant, although crude, execution by artists barely in control of the brush.
These three information charts describe the morphological characteristics, growth and development of fern, gymnosperms and angiosperms, and their respective information.
Da sich bei Quellen aus dem Internet zusätzlich zu den Fragen der klassischen Quellenkritik weitere Fragen stellen, braucht es eine angepasste Form der Quellenkritik.
We used some CSS3 tricks and a bit of jQuery to create some bounce animations that affect desktop users only, while on mobile the structure is more minimal.
Mehrsprachige App die mit validierten Informationen und Kontakten dazu beitragen soll, Flüchtlingen, Asylbewerbern und Migranten eine bessere Integration in Deutschland zu ermöglichen.