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List Members "Tech, Code"

01.05.2009 - 01.11.2020

Dev Diner is a site with technology opinion pieces, interviews, links and guides to help developers navigate the world of emerging tech.
Run by the W3C staff, HTML5Apps is an EU funded-project dedicated to closing the gaps!
Pushing the Boundaries of Digital Storytelling / Founder inlusio.com robinburgauer.com
Web engineer @ Groupe Figaro CCM Benchmark - Interested in web development & data. github.com/neveldo
Computer programming wisdom and quotes from throughout the years.
Prof, Geothink.ca, Geoweb, open data, GIScience, civic participation, citizen science, big data, algorithms, Project Lead, AI for the Rest of Us
Work in #UNICEF. Love #triathlon and #opensource tech. Dad of two. Tweets personal RT not endorsement.
Launch your business on all channels. geildanke.com – Apps, web sites and VR for iOS, Android and browsers by and .
Ich bin ein junger Webentwickler und Programmierer aus Siegen. Mit PHP, HTML bin ich praktisch aufgewachsen. Seit 2010 blogge ich auf advitum.de
Geoportal Bund: The #geoportal of the #federal authorities of the #Swiss Confederation info@geo.admin.ch #maps #switzerland Likes + RT are not endorsements
Helping write the script of the future by serving developers and all technologists.
We build open-source tools for journalism, including Superdesk, Live Blog and Airtime Pro.
News & guidance for developers from the Google Chrome Developer Relations team.
Artist, technologist. Currently researching Poetic Justice at MIT . Previously R&D , , .
Stories, stats & scatterplots for | Daily updates of the coronavirus trajectory tracker | john.burn-murdoch@ft.com | #dataviz
There's no sex. There's very little violence. There are dinosaurs though.
DensityDesign is a Research Lab of the Politecnico di Milano. It focuses on the visual representation of complex social, organizational and urban phenomena.
Web Dev, pixel burner - WebGL · WebXR - UX/UI
Making the web more stylish
Artist palette
CSS / Web DevRel
Unicorn face
Host of The CSS Podcast, , & Designing in the Browser
Clapper board
Interaction engineering. Interested in user interfaces, sensors, audio, web, open source, and education.
Humanizing technology. Founded: Polar (Google acquired) Bagcheck (Twitter acquired) Wrote: Mobile First, Web Form Design, Site-Seeing Worked: NCSA, eBay, Yahoo!
Structured markup geek. Programmer. Photographer. Author. XML. DocBook. XProc. XSLT. XQuery.
Builder for the web · Created · Web Perf · Emeritus · He/him
This scene is dead, but I'm still restless